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Choosing a Home or Property- What to consider

Now that you have decided to buy a house you must determine the sort of house you want to buy and where. I'm sure that you have heard the expression that the three most important considerations in real estate are 'Location, Location, Location'. This is certainly cliché but there is a great deal of truth in this statement. It is very important that you define your needs and parameters.

Some of the factors that should be considered are:

  • Commuting – if you and/or your spouse work, you need to seriously consider the commute involved. A house could be perfect and affordable, but an extensive commute could more than offset the advantages.
  • Services/Shopping – you should consider factors such as schools and municipal services such as garbage/leaf pick-up as well as the variety and type of shopping available.
  • Zoning – you should check the local zoning. What may seem like an ideal location could be totally altered if commercial/industrial development is allowed in the neighbourhood.
  • Crime – the safety of your family and property is a major concern. What may appear to be a safe neighbourhood could actually be a pocket in a larger, less acceptable area.
  • General Feel – spend some time driving around the neighbourhood to get a feel for the area. Do people in the area seem to be concerned with maintaining their homes in an attractive fashion? This can have a direct affect on resale values.

Finding your ideal home can take some time. It is likely that you will visit many homes before making your final choice. How will you remember important details about the houses you visited? Taking notes about the homes you visited will make it easier to evaluate whether the house you really like is right for you.

Reference: Dynamic Funds- Snapshots