Looking for travel insurance?
Whether you are planning a trip, expecting visitors, visiting Canada or studying away from home, it’s wise to obtain emergency medical travel coverage to be financially protected from unexpected medical emergencies that may happen prior to or during your trip.
No one expects to have a medical emergency away from home, or to have to cancel a trip due to an emergency. But these events can happen and can be disruptive and expensive. Manulife Financial offers a variety of Travel plans to choose from. Select the protection that best suits your needs.
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Expecting visitors on a Super Visa?
Make sure they have Manulife Financial Travel Insurance.

Manulife Travel80
Term Travel Insurance
Manulife Financial is the first to offer term travel insurance with this unique combination of benefits.
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Wherever your studies take you… take Manulife Financial Travel Insurance with you!
Why Travel Insurance for Students
If you’re studying outside Canada, or even outside your province, your government health insurance plan may not cover all of your medical costs.